Saturday, September 19, 2009

Alvin, the bestie

It's Saturday.There starts my so called holiday though I have to celebrate it with my books. By the way, Selamat Hari Raya!!!3 subjects are down now which means only left 2!!I'm lovin' it!!Advertising and Comm Eng are done. May not be the perfect ones but I have done my best during the exam. Studying consumes alot of energy.It makes me very tired and sleepy all the time. That is why I always need a good rest.

Days right after the exam have been fully scheduled for many activities that I do not attempt before. Excited and afraid at the same time. The feeling of afraid is because I have never been there before. Very strange to that place. Soon, the chipmunk Alvin Tan Kai Ming will be leaving UTAR very soon.He will off to Singapore to pursue his architecture next month. Well, it's very sad though to hear him saying he will be leaving. But at the same time, I will support him to continue his studies in Singapore.

I don't denied that he have been a very good friend to me. From the foundation studies in TB1, TB6 and now though you in the different class from me, and we have interacted lesser lesser and lesser, I have learnt a lot from you. Semester one during our foundation year, you are leading us for the art gallery. You went through many obstacles to ensure that the event goes smoothly all the time. You guide me towards the light whenever I faced failure. There is something that I would like to tell you after so long...Thank you so much, Alvin.

From an empty lecture class to be an artificial art gallery, our hardwork and effort paid off very well even until 3am preparing the hall.

The moments during the art gallery.

We miss Miss Lilian so much!!!

I realised I only have this blur picture with you Alvin, I'm sorry.

Your atworks...Excalibur

 Masterpieces by Emily

Nerd looks
led by Alvin...^^

 All these happened in semester one foundation

Brightout to the future, our singer Javin!!!

We are always the best ones!!!

And of course our very own Prom Night - Ever Lasting Sentiment

For this event, there were no pictures available due to our very busy duties. But, it still fresh in my mind. We organised it.

Day by day, we made through the foundation year and now it is the time to talk about the degree year.

We have this activity...went sing k with Sunny and Vimal at red box Gardens.

Sing k moments are just so fun that you would not want it to reach the end.

        Your chamwhore in the bus on the way to zoo negara

Stepping on ZN ground

Alvin and Ernst

Every moments here in PJ had made you to be a wiser man. Of course, there will happy, proud, sad, heart aching, embarrassments,  and also laughters moments which happened. But when you actually recalled it back, you will feel that all the time you went through is worth it. It is just another chapter of your life. Based on all these chapters, they help you in a way, to guide you to live better and happily another time.

Every sad moments that happened, there will always the happy moments that follows. Do not regret with what you have done but, look in front and continue your journey towards your goal. There is no turning back anymore. Be strong in whatever tough times you might encounter in the future because I believe that you can get over it!!I have faith in you.

All the best!!!I will surely miss you when you are not around our campus.

1 comment:

rainfire said...

awwww....datz so sweet..!!!..<3..alvin i'll miss u too...