Saturday, October 31, 2009

Drowning Class

It's hallween today!!SpOOky spOOKy yo!!Supposingly join my TR colleagues to Sanctuary (if they followed initial plan), for some party over there. Anyway, if they were to change the place, it is not my business also la since I'm not going also.


Today, I woke up at 7.30am. Very unusual for me to wake up so early on a Saturday right??hahha..but I really did.Then I joined my sisters to go swimming at BJ. Reached there around like 9 until 11 something. OK, I think I should not use the term "swim" because I do not know how to. I should use "drowning" then.


Yet, I still very proud of myself so much today. At least, I moved from one point to another la and not just stay at one place though. Kudos to myself!!!Improvements...yea!!Shall go again if I have the time and a guide.  I tried for different styles now but then, failed!!Don't know how many times I ter-drink the water from the pool. Eeewwwww...Imagine people were like pee-ing, coughing, sneezing in the pool. Can't continue about that. lol.

But then, accidents do happen. Oppsss, not that kind of accidents la. I caught a flu after the swimming drowning right?I was like omg.I just recoverd from flu a few days back and now come back again.Shit la!!!

After my lunch, I was too exhausted already. No stamina like that lo..Went off to snooze with a pack of chicken rice in my stomach which is still in the digestion process. What's the purpose of swimming??alamak..Waste my time when I gained back the fat after that.

Any parties to attend tonight??

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