Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Great Day

Today Yesterday was Saturday. Around 11am, we rushed out to Hospital Serdang, simply because daddy was suppose to admit to the hospital by 9am. He mistakenly saw it as 11am. When he knew about that, he quickly rushed us. Reached there around 11.40am, did his registration and stuff, off we went to his ward at the 6th floor.

Dad was suppose to undergo an operation on Monday but according to the latest news provided by the nurse and doctor there, the operation has been rescheduled to Thursday. It's like wtf? If you guys have planned to rescheduled it on Thursday, why do not make an initiative to give us a call and ask to delay the admission?? What is my daddy going to do there?Sleep all the time?My daddy is a person that cannot sit at place for long.

And because we will be having a birthday celebration at night, sis went to the nurse and asked if dad could readmit tomorrow or not since he is doing nothing there.So, the surgeon was given a call and after some basic check ups, daddy could go home. Readmit on Tuesday!Yahoo...

So, pictures now...during aunt's birthday.

Uncle and aunt with 3 young cousins (one head is chopped off from the picture..oppsss)

okay la..they are not cousins after all..they are my cousin bro's yeah..they call me aunt..sounds so old right??that is why I call them cousins for

add ons in the cousin sis with her daughter

the older ones

the younger ones..

2 young cousins with 3rd uncle..

It's my aunt's 74th birthday (celebrated in advance actually) today. Happy happy!! Catch up a lil' with cousins. A great dinner and family gathering!!!

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