Sunday, May 30, 2010

#73 The Last day of my first semester break in 2010

Today's weather is rather hot and sunny. Mum went out early in the morning, so do Rachel. I am at home with my second sis. We don't talk at all, you see. It's pretty weird when u are at home together but u don't exchange thoughts. Anyway, that is not the topic I am blogging here.

The title of the today's blog has said it all while I'm  listening on Charice's new song "Reset" on her official website. Her songs are very cool, not bad. She had once shared the stage with Celine Dion when she was 16 years old which I personally think that opportunity was very awesome!!

I chose to stay at home and not hanging out at the mall simply because I want to chill at home for a day. After the semester starts, I know I won't be able to stay home every single day. Assignments and tutorials will be piling up very soon once I stepped on UTAR's ground. I did thought of going out today alone but when I think twice, where should I go? I don't want to watch movie alone and walk around the mall alone aimlessly. So I stayed home and here I am blogging about it.

Results had just released a few days ago. I am very glad that I did not fail any of the subjects and able to obtain better grades then what I actually expected and predicted. I got 2 A-, 1 B+ and 2 B. I know this suckish results may seems nothing to other people, but it meant alot to me especially for my PR paper. I managed to score B for it. Thank you so much Mr Satar. The other paper for B was Radio Broadcasting. The papers for A- were EMC and Chinese.Whereas for Psychology, it's a B+. *winks* So happy for it and I am satisfied with the overall. CGPA 3.25 GPA 3.31.

Well, let's refresh about what I encountered during the past semester. All I remembered were mainly about friendships. I seriously do not get it. Why will this happen? Why one has to be so childish I would say and said that "I do not like him or her?" "In the end, I do not want to talk with him or her." Isn't that very small kid? Indeed it is very kiddo action to me and I actually encountered that without me noticing it until a friend of mine told me. The reason is I changed a lot to be like another friend. Very funny huh? What else? Assignments? Procrastinating of course. Got to change all these during the new semester. I shall not procrastinate further. The past is the past. Let's not think about that further. I have a great journey ahead and I will try my best to be the best. :-)

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