Well well, let's see. The blog is full of dust and I always tell myself to blog as much as I can. Yet, again I think I failed all the time. This is week 5 and I think that I am not productive enough in terms of work efficiency and I still feel that my mind is still blocked in some part. I wonder if I could really open up my mind and vacuum those unnecessary stuff from my mind to make way for MORE useful things??I am serious actually. Is there anyway I can do it?
Wake up Mun Yee.It's week 5 towards the ending and all you did is stupid stuff though you are sitting at the front of the PC.Move your ass out of it, girl!!Where are all your creativity??Or maybe I don't have any all this while... Where are all your organizations?? You just want to sit there staring at the screen blindly and has nothing in mind??Why not just quit it??Don't waste daddy's money. He don't pay for u to stare blindly and learn nothing!!Move on you young lady...